Environmental Engineering Dictionary and Directory By Thomas M. Pankratz Book PDF

Environmental Engineering Dictionary and Directory By Thomas M. Pankratz Book PDF

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Environmental Engineering Dictionary and Directory 

 Environmental Engineering Dictionary and Directory By Thomas M. Pankratz Book PDF :-

Like most technical disciplines, environmental science and engineering is becoming increasingly specialized. As industry professionals focus on specific environmental subjects they become less familiar with environmental problems and solutions outside their area of expertise. This situation is compounded by the fact that many environmental science related terms are confusing. Prefixes such as bio-, enviro-, hydra-, and hydro- are used so frequently that it is often hard to tell the words apart. The Environmental Engineering Dictionary and Directory gives you a complete list of brand terms, brand names, and trademarks - right at your fingertips.

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Environmental Engineering Dictionary and Directory 

About Environmental Engineering Dictionary and Directory By Thomas M. Pankratz Book PDF :-

EBook Name Environmental Engineering Dictionary and Directory
Author Thomas M. Pankratz
Language English
Size 1.41 MB
Pages 337
Category Environment


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