Greening the Economy with Agriculture - Food and Agriculture Book PDF

Greening the Economy with Agriculture - Food and Agriculture Book PDF

Greening the Economy with Agriculture - Food and Agriculture Book PDF
Greening the Economy with Agriculture - Food and Agriculture Book PDF :-
Greening the Economy with Agriculture (GEA) refers to ensuring the right to adequate food, as well as food and nutrition security – in terms of food availability, access, stability and utilization – and contributing to the quality of rural livelihoods, while efficiently managing natural resources and improving resilience and equity throughout the food supply chain, taking into account countries’ individual circumstances. GEA can be achieved by applying an ecosystem approach to agriculture, forestry and fisheries management in a manner that addresses the multiplicity of societal needs and desires, without jeopardizing the options for future generations to benefit from the full range of goods and services provided by terrestrial, aquatic and marine ecosystems. Therefore, GEA strives to:

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Agriculture Book PDF
Greening the Economy with Agriculture - Food and Agriculture Book PDF
About Greening the Economy with Agriculture - Food and Agriculture Book PDF :-

EBook Name Greening the Economy with Agriculture
Author Unknow
Language English
Size 1.92 MB
Pages 288
Category Environment / Economic / Food & Nutrition

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