Modern Indian History PDF Books

Modern Indian History PDF Books

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Modern Indian History PDF

Modern Indian History PDF Books  :-

History of Modern India presents an authoritative overview of the history of what was known as British India. The text is largely based on the author s research on nationalism and colonialism in India and also draws from the works of eminent historians of the period. Challenging and revising colonial and nationalist interpretations of history, this book moves away from a largely political narrative to a social, economic and religious history of modern India. It explains how conditions in India during the eighteenth century helped the British East India Company establish its rule in India. It also gives us important insights into the primary aim of colonial rule which was the economic exploitation of India through trade and investment. The topics are arranged thematically in order to showcase the various forces that went into the making of independent India. However, in the entire arrangement of themes, the chronology of the period is enmeshed innovatively with the various forces that evolved both as a cause and effect of British imperialist rule of the subcontinent

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Modern Indian History PDF

About Modern Indian History PDF Books  :-

EBook Name Modern Indian History
Author Unknow
Language English
Size 3.52 MB
Pages 967
Category History


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