Spoken English: Flourish Your Language PDF Books By Robert Carmen

Spoken English: Flourish Your Language PDF Books By Robert Carmen

English PDF Books
Spoken English: Flourish Your Language  Books PDF

Spoken English: Flourish Your Language PDF Books By Robert Carmen:-

Are you frustrated with your English study? You want to speak English. Instead, you are taught to write English sentences and memorize grammar rules. There is a better way. The best way for you to learn a language is to speak it. Therefore, the author of SPOKEN ENGLISH LEARNED QUICKLY developed a method so that you can learn English by speaking it even when you do not yet know the language. Two U.S. patent applications have been filed on the method. This new method allows even the beginning student to speak grammatically correct English for two or more hours each day. The Fluency Builder Course provides enough audiotape material for nine months of spoken English study. Through repeating grammatically correct English sentences, you will quickly learn to speak fluently. The course emphasizes correct use of the English verb. SPOKEN ENGLISH LEARNED QUICKLY uses neither beginning nor advanced levels of study - all students use the same course, and are immediately immersed in normal, spoken English. This is a self-taught course for highly motivated students. Fluency is achieved at almost twice the rate attainable

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English PDF Books
Spoken English: Flourish Your Language  Books PDF

About Spoken English: Flourish Your Language Books PDF  :-

EBook Name Spoken English: Flourish Your Language
Author Robert Carmen
Language English
Size 5.11 MB
Pages  225
Category Language 


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